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The 2025 WinterStar Symposium

featuring workshops presented by:

Ayla Ayl

Nicole LeCause (Ayla) was born with muscular dystrophy and I have used a wheelchair my entire life. I started camping at music festivals when I was in high school. When I heard about the Starwood Festival I was prepared to camp for a week without any problem. I have done a lot of traveling including driving cross-country twice. Once was to follow the Grateful Dead. In my younger years all of my traveling involved sleeping in my van or a tent. Why teach this I wanted to teach this workshop because I know that physical challenges have made it difficult for many people to continue coming to Starwood. I think that I may have learned a few things over the years that could make it easier for people to participate in Starwood while still meeting their physical and safety needs.

Tips, tricks and silver lining on attending festivals with a disability

In over 40 years of camping with a wheelchair I have encountered almost every situation. I would like to address any challenges that people are facing and try to help find solutions. I would also like to look at the benefits of experiencing a Festival with a physical disability. What will be covered I will give a brief overview of some of the basics that can make camping easier. We will discuss any specific challenges that people are dealing with. Participants will be invited to share anything that might be blocking them from attending a Festival in the future. We will work together to brainstorm solutions. We’ll also have a discussion about the gift of experiencing festivals from the unique perspective of a person with a disability.


Byron Ballard

Byron is a western NC native, teacher, folklorist and writer. She is a senior priestess and co-founder of Mother Grove Goddess Temple and the Coalition of Earth Religions/CERES, both in Ashville, NC. Her essays are featured in several anthologies and she writes a regular column for “Witches and Pagans” Magazine.


A Different Kind of Church:

what is a feral church?

There's a lot of buzz about the idea of a "feral church" and what that has to do with the modern Pagan community. This conversation with author Byron Ballard includes some descriptions and an invitation to consider if your group, circle or grove is also a feral church. It aint yer grandma's church!


Laura Bogush

Laura is a sex educator, orgasm coach, and masturbation advocate. She studied with the legendary Betty Dodson and is certified to lead Bodysex workshops. Laura’s passion is to provide opportunities for women/vulva-havers to explore their sexuality, heal body shame, and maximize pleasure. She currently serves of the Board of Directors for Betty Dodson Foundation as well as manager for the website


Vulva Massage
Self-touch just because it feels good is the first step to connect with our genitals and experience sexual pleasure. Vulva massage on a regular basis without the goal of orgasm enhances well-being. Vintage video with Betty Dodson leading a group of women in vulva massage will be shared. Learn about pleasure zones in the vulva and gain new ideas for self-touch. There will be time for Q&A’s and sharing after the presentation. Please note: There will be videos with nudity and explicit sexual discussion during this session.


​​Phaedra Bonewits
Phaedra  graduated from the Art Institute of Chicago with a Bachelor of Fine arts in 1978 and began studying magic and Paganism in the 1980s. She was a member of Panthea, the first intentionally Pagan congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. In the 90s, she owned an occult shop in Peoria, IL and was on the continental board of trustees of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans from 1999-2002. She is the co-author with her husband Isaac Bonewits of Real Energy: Systems, Spirits, and Substances to Heal, Change, and Grow.

Casting a Glamour
They say seeing is believing; how can you use what you and other people see to enhance your magic? Let’s explore the most dominant human sense, sight, and use it as a tool of magic.



Ian Corrigan

Ian has been working, playing and teaching in the Neopagan movement since  1975. He is a founding member of the Chameleon Club and the Starwood Festival, a Senior Priest and former Archdruid of A.D.F., and an initiate of a branch of traditional Witchcraft. Well-known as a teacher and performer at festivals and gatherings, he is the author of several books on Pagan occultism topics, including “Sacred Fire, Holy Well”, “The Book of Summoning” and “The Portal Book”


How To Meet (A) God

Deity work is a part of Pagan and occult spiritual practice, one that students often approach nervously. The gods and goddesses are the ancient allies of humanity, and still answer our calls - when we can make ourselves heard. The ancient magical techniques of invocation are the technology of contact between gods and mortals.
Drawing on both Eastern and Western traditions, Ian will discuss the work of invocation, and outline a reliable method to meet deity or deities.



Rebecca Crystal 

Wilde*Majiker, also known as Rebecca Crystal, MSW, MDIV, and minister of Church of All Worlds, recently helped her mother and five different cats through the final stages of living. Now moving towards her own final Career and Calling, she finds that her Spirit Guides were right - they said “wait” until just recently. Moving towards Serving our Community in ways only dreamed of, she takes each step like a Fool landing as Wilde*Majiker. May her Wisdom and Mistakes help us all have the Lives we were meant to live! Based on her education and skills, she facilitates workshops with levity and brevity.


Pagan Trauma Warriors
As we live through these times, as we live through time, traumas occur. What is a Pagan response to trauma? How are we informed by the current medical industry? What do they do that works? What doesn’t? Through a facilitated conversation we will share what we know from our experience, resources we trust and our hopes for the future. Do we need Pagan identified psychotherapists? Do we need a tribal identity?


Holly D'Angelo
Holly began her magical career when she joined Silver Circle of Penn State, one of the oldest college Pagan clubs in the country. She studied and practiced several spiritual paths before finding her calling in the Golden Dawn tradition, and in 2007 received initiation into Ordo Stella Matutina, one of the offshoot orders of the original Golden Dawn. Since then, she has practiced and taught many topics in the Western Esoteric Tradition through her work with the OSM and in her private classes which she has been running for over 20 years.

The Western Esoteric Tradition

This includes such vast fields of knowledge as astrology, alchemy, Tarot, Qabalah, Ceremonial and ritual magic, correspondences and all the magical lore included therein. Indeed, there is so much to learn that it may seem an unscalable mountain. However, taking the Western Esoteric Tradition as an integrated whole instead of in “silos” or more specific traditions has many benefits for any student of magic. Understanding of how the different pieces relate to each other is crucial, for behind some doors are the keys that unlock others. One uber-symbol has the power to draw it all together: the Qabalistic Tree of Life. My course, the Keys of Magic, is designed to bring the threads together. This session is “fly-over” of the terrain that we explore in detail month by month in the regular classes held by Happy Valley Golden Wheel. You can join these free online classes to learn more if you like, or just take this class by itself as a guide to your own studies and curiosity. We invite you to come with us on the sinuous Path of the Serpent, from the bottom to the pinnacle of the Tree of Life and everything in between.

Phil Farber

Phil is the author of High Magick (Llewellyn Worldwide, 2020), Brain Magick (Llewellyn Worldwide, 2011), and other titles. His articles on magick and popular culture have appeared in Green Egg Magazine, The Journal of Hypnotism, Hypnosis Today, Mondo 2000, High Times, Paradigm Shift, Reality Sandwich and other unique publications and web sites. Phil is a Consulting Hypnotist, Hypnosis Instructor, and Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.


B.S. (Belief Systems) and the Structure of Reality

What makes the world appear as it does? Every human has their own personal reality that we live in – and our beliefs about the world, the language we use, our neurology, and the things we are taught influence the way we represent reality to ourselves. This is often most apparent on the level of opinions, our thoughts and beliefs about other people and how the world should be run, politics, and religion. But how do we know that even our most basic concepts about the world aren’t perceived and understood very differently in the consciousness of our fellow humans? Where does reality end and B.S. begin? Hold on to your brain cells while we contemplate these fundamental and epistemological dilemmas!


Andrei Freeman

Finding Pagan Resources through Modern Channels
In society today we are more connected to each other that we've ever been in the past. However there are those on Pagan spiritual paths who do not have any way to connect to their journey. These people are either Solitary, unaware of what resources to find, or worse in a community where they do not feel safe to pursue their beliefs. This round table will allow people to discuss media, lists, web pages, and apps that help people find more and more importantly connect more.


Brian Henke

Brian’s career has spanned several decades. His collection of work is prolific, unique, and a delight for the senses, as he creates the very places that our hearts yearn to soar. “My songs are magic spells. Whether they be instrumental or verbal, and the words that I’m speaking, and the way that I’m forming those words, it’s all to raise power and vibrations... That’s what magic is.”

Magical Musical Composition and Songwriting
Many of you are accomplished witches. You can cast a spell either that you picked from a book, the internet or that you made up yourself.
What we composers/songwriters/singers and musicians do is magic too. Whether we know it or not. It’s all about vibrations and intent.
Whatever musical abilities you have or don’t have (or don’t THINK you have) if you want to know more about making magic with music then this is the workshop for you!


Patricia Lafayllve

Since 1996, Patricia M. Lafayllve has lectured and performed rituals throughout the United States. She is a member of Two Ravens Kindred and The Troth, where she has served as Steward, High Steward, Godwoman, Rede member, and Steerswoman. Patricia is the founder of The Troth’s Lore Program and served as its Provost. She lives in Southeastern Connecticut. Visit her online at


Folklore's Relevance in Modern Practice
This workshop examines what seidhr practices looked like in terms of relevant folklore, then moves to examine how we can use modern understandings to revive these practices in the modern world. We'll discuss concepts ranging from luck to wyrd to soul practices, borrowing from a range of modern practices and how they can be used to apply what we can do to what was once known.  This workshop is both researched and experiential.  No seidhr experience is required for this workshop.



Mortellus is a lineaged Third Degree Gardnerian High Priestex of the Long Island Line. Presently busy at work on their third book, with the second, The Bones Fall in a Spiral: A Necromantic Primer, completed and arriving soon. In addition to their role as High Priestex, Mortellus is a Mortician, and holds degrees in Design, Education, Fine Arts, and Mortuary Sciences. Their areas of expertise include necromancy, necrobotany, mediumship, and the funerary rites of minority faith groups. They currently reside in Western North Carolina on three acres that doubles as the Covenstead for the Coven of Leaves.


Spirit Boards in Practice
Topics include developing a relationship, common misconceptions, fears, reading solitary, and the general care-taking and use of this practical magical tool.


Wendy Raphael

Wendy is a Professional Artist, Festival Organizer, Sign Writer & Painter, Master of Ceremonial Hairwraps, Storyteller and a Solitary Eclectic Spiritualist. She has an art studio/workshop in NE Ohio where she loves tending to her magical garden. Funny and entertaining, she will inspire you to sketch journal regularly and manifest your dreams! Look for her silly signs and random art installations at festivals and events. and

Deluxe Edition Sketch Journaling

Grab your sketchbook/journal and favorite pens, scissors, glue, exacto knife, colored pencils, and open your mind. We'll discuss tools, manifesting, Sketch and Burn, Pop Up Pages, Best Case Scenarios, ceremony, fancy folds, 150 page suggestions, magic, stories, and meditation while adding to the pages of your life. I encourage you to get out the fancy book you've been saving for a special occasion!


Tamrha Richardson

Tamrha has been a practicing witch for 23 years, is an ordained Priestess of Hekate and the High Priestess of the Crow, Torch and Feral Night Coven. She specializes in providing public ritual, trance work, magical herbalism, and has been a tarot reader for 25 years. As a birthworker for 15 years, she has supported 240+ births, providing birth and postpartum support, placenta encapsulation, and education for new mothers and their families.


Staying Grounded and Guided in Difficult Times
In a troubled world, taking time to remain centered, grounded and guided can help us weather external and internal storms. In this talk, Tamrha will discuss* mindful awareness exercises that can be done on a daily basis in order to lower stress hormones and allow for one's inner voice to become clearer; a monthly tarot spread that can provide insight and guidance, covering the month's lessons, challenges and more. This spread will also include a Guiding Goddess of each month with info on each one's area of specialty.
* a recipe for a spiritual cleansing bath along with instructions for use.

Participants can receive mindfulness meditation links and a collection of Goddess images for personal use.


Denny Sargent

(aka: Aion 131, Hermeticusnath)

A Seattle author, artist and teacher whose extensive global travels and esoteric studies lead to numerous published books and several waiting to get done. Involved in many esoteric traditions such as The Craft, Paganism, Magick, Shinto and Tantra and now Neo-Animism. He has presented several rites and workshops at Winterstar and Starwood especially on Werewolf Magick (a Awooo!) and also on The Great God Pan with great joy and now is finishing the draft for his new book, Feral Magick about, of course, Neo-Animist and Spirit Animals. Ot was the Great Wolf Spirit, my mentor and guide, who led me into Werewolf Magick and now, the Heo-Animistic world of all the Spirit Animals! For more information about this feral madman and his works, blog and so on, including all the past presentations from Starwood,  go to:


​Feral Magick - Feral Spellcraft In Nature
Feral Spellcraft is about working with Animal and Nature Spirits from the ‘center of your primal spirit’ with basic tools, natural items and your intuitive being. Examples of tools and items for use with such primal wild Spellcraft will be shown and discussed with a focus on wild materials, places and simple procedures. Feral banishing and and use of plants and ways to call on Nature Spirits will be shown. Practical chants, techniques and other aspects of feral spellcraft will be offered including wild materials and Animistic items and tools. Ways to interact with Nature Spirits and the Genus Loci will be included. The last half is an actual Feral Spellcraft ritual which can be meditative or actual, up to each person. We will set up a wild Spellcraft space, make it sacred, allow the wildness energy to open our Inner Light as we honor, engage and call upon the Spirits for what you will to accomplish and then we will honor and bid goodbye to the Spirits and hold the power we manifested in our hearts.​


Erica Sodos
Magician, mentalist, speaker, emcee and educator Erica Sodos is a rare gem in her field, one of the few female mentalists globally. She has been captivating audiences for 35 years and has made over 6,000 appearances nationwide. From a challenging upbringing, she found solace in theater and creating mystical characters, eventually transitioning to magic. Erica's passion is where real magick meets performance magic. Her interactive performances, including her decade-long running Denver psychic show The Magic Within, combined mind-reading, memory powers, divination, and storytelling to empower audiences and encourage them to embrace their own magic. A versatile performer, and passionate advocate for animal rights, environmental and social justice, Erica’s transformative performances leave lasting inspiration for people of all ages. A lover of nature and all things unseen, she still performs as a wide array of mystical characters including elemental faeries and elves, while teaching magical lore and divination techniques to people of all ages.

Kitchen Witchery
Join us as we explore a place of powerful magic— eating! While a fancy ritual can be special, it is not something we always have the energy to create. Infusing magic and meaning into our everyday activities is one of the most rewarding and magi-cal things we can do. In this workshop we will explore how to bring more magic, fun and intention to our homes and kitchen, to meal prep and to eating. We will explore correspondences, kitchen witchy techniques, recipes, folklore, deities and more. Everything is an opportunity to invite in magic, and in the kitchen the options are endless and fun. Everyday ingredients become magical tools, elements create alchemy and enchantment lives in a soup bowl.


Koshek Swaminathan

​Koshek has the goal of helping intuitive people discover states of consciousness that reaffirm and strengthen their intuitive capacity. He first gave his talk on “The Seven Levels of Intuition” twenty years ago at the International Centre of the Theosophical Society and has since developed his concepts and now is releasing a book of the same name. A researcher of both eastern and western occult and spiritual traditions as well as the empirical scientific method, Koshek has a unique and practical approach to the esoteric wisdom. Avoiding the fuzzy woo woo that leaves the inquirer in a foggy haze, Koshek gives his audiences clear and tangible encounters in a practical no nonsense approach that audiences can take with them to experience on their own. Koshek has given talks and lectures at the International Centre of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, India as well as various Theosophical Society branches, Masonic lodges and Rosicrucian associations. Koshek comes from Brahmanic tradition and studied Vedic chanting at a young age while being immersed in stories of Hindu Gods and Goddesses.


Easy Ganesh Magick with Underground Yoga for Quick Manifestations
Ganesha, or Ganapati, is the Lord of the Ganas. The Ganas are like genies. They either aid your work or they can put obstacles in your way. Is there a psychological reality for the Ganas? And how are we to think of the Ganapati in this western framework?To aid in our Magickal work we will be using an esoteric interpretation of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. What we'll have is a powerful set of tools to manifest and understand the relationship between Magick and perception.

































                Plus Performances by:

Cowboy Princess Brigade
A little country, and a little bit rock and roll:

an Americana, soul-roots, zydeco-punk, ska-jazz band

Blackwillow Starling
Blackwillow Starling are a duo of musicians who incorporate elements of female/male harmony vocals, acoustic guitar, bouzouki, whistle, and percussion along with insightful lyrics. They reach out to listeners of pagan music, acoustic folk, and Celtic traditionals.

Colin and the Crows
Colin blends lyrics and poems with melodies pulled from the ether to create spellbinding songs. The natural flow of the songwriting process makes room for different genres to blend together. With contributions from other musicians it culminates into an energetic and heartwarming experience to behold.

Ginger Doss and Lynda Millard


Where Music & Spirit Meet


​More to come!


Changes and/or additions

will be posted here.



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